Saturday, July 14, 2012

Behavioral Theories of Learning

  I learned about the behavioral theories of learning and its elements such as the environment, performances and reinforcements, I also learned what classical conditioning is and how to apply this in classroom teaching like how to facilitate and assist properly the behaviors of learners and how to maintain and sustain and good learning environment that will help the students learn easily.
                I learn the two fundamentals of conditioning the classical conditioning which is the usual way and the operant is using the pleasant or the unpleasant way of conditioning students to learn like reinforcement, shaping and punishments. I also learn the application of the operant conditioning to classroom teaching and one it is to treat your students fairly specially in enforcing punishments. I learned that social learning theory states that individuals learn through observation and observational learning is consist of four phases the attention, retention, reproduction and motivation.

1 comment:

  1. they said that, your behavior is develop by your environment. You are the way you act.
