Friday, October 19, 2012

The Class


                This movie illustrates on how to handle students in other country specially students with different cultures, traditions, nationality and beliefs the setting of this movie was mostly inside the classroom and shows the relationship of teachers and students.

                This movie had shown on how the teachers deals to students that has different behavior and personalities, especially those students that shows disrespect to the teacher like interrupting on his lessons and doing some other stuff, talking back to the teachers and fighting with their class mates that cause harm to the other. Most of the students in this movie is very disrespectful to the teacher and to each other they are keep on insisting what they believe and what they wanted. The teacher in this movie Mr. Marin is a person with very long patience, he is a teacher that encourage students the to do well, he motivates them and make the students understand on the things that they do not understand, he uses effective teaching methods for his students.

                At the end of the movie one of his students go to him and told him that “I didn’t learn anything” that made me wonder and I ask myself what if in the future and will be teaching and this words are also thrown to me by my student what would I do? Maybe the first thing that will come up in my mind is that I am not a good teacher because my student didn’t learn anything, but I will also ask my student why?  And I will use the reason of my student to improve myself and my teaching methods.  


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