Sunday, October 14, 2012

Methods of teaching

        There are several methods of teaching that teachers can use in imparting knowledge to their students of learners, their choice of methods depends on the subject and skill that they are teaching. The different types of teaching methods are the inductive method, deductive method, laboratory method, the problem method, lecture method, metacognition method. The inductive method the process of arriving at a given generalization, this method starts from the specific to general. The deductive method, this is the reverse of inductive, the deductive starts with the general to specific. The project method, it is applying the practical unit of activity and involving the use of physical materials to complete the activity.
      The laboratory method, this method is the set of the firsthand learning activity.
The problem method, the analogue to the inductive method that only one case is investigated and its primary objective is to study a typical case.
Demonstration method this is the method that is showing the learners what to do on a specific activity.
Lecture method, is used by the teacher to impact knowledge to learners.
Metacognition method is an instructional method where learners are trained to become aware and control on their learning by utilizing metacognition process.

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