Sunday, October 14, 2012

Functions of teachings

       The functions of teachings is imparting knowledge to learners, administering the class, informing the learners, developing the learners intellectuality, emotionally, spiritually and morally and motivating the learners to learn the lessons in their own willingness.
       Aside from usual learning that learners acquire in the classroom there are other types of learning, the social learning in this learning the learners will learn with the people who surrounds them and with their social environment. The other type of learning is the observational learning in which learners learn by observing other peoples behaviors and actions, observational learning has learning mechanism they are attention, retention, ability to reproduce the behavior , motivation and reinforcement. There are also laws of learning the law of readiness, law of exercise and the law of effect this law constitutes to the affective way of how learners can learn in a very good way.

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