Friday, July 6, 2012

A Teachers Capacity

"A Teacher Knows Best" this is the reason why there are many people who wants to learn from a teacher because they know that they can gain the best knowledge that they want. Being a teacher is not easy because they have different rules in their life, just like being a guidance counselor, as a teacher you should know how to guide and to council your students for them to become responsible and to become a role model in their future.
“A Teacher Always Gives Its Best” this is why there are many students who become professional person because a teacher always gives its best for their students, because as a teacher, if you will do your best, you know your students will also give their best.
A teacher is the reason why we have knowledge in all aspects of subjects because they are the one who teach us. They are also the reason why we have self-confidence because they motivate us to have it in our selves. Our teachers are the reason why we achieve our goals in life.


  1. yes..our teachers give their best to teach their students...

  2. The teacher will do anything just to make their student excel.
