Friday, October 19, 2012

The Class


                This movie illustrates on how to handle students in other country specially students with different cultures, traditions, nationality and beliefs the setting of this movie was mostly inside the classroom and shows the relationship of teachers and students.

                This movie had shown on how the teachers deals to students that has different behavior and personalities, especially those students that shows disrespect to the teacher like interrupting on his lessons and doing some other stuff, talking back to the teachers and fighting with their class mates that cause harm to the other. Most of the students in this movie is very disrespectful to the teacher and to each other they are keep on insisting what they believe and what they wanted. The teacher in this movie Mr. Marin is a person with very long patience, he is a teacher that encourage students the to do well, he motivates them and make the students understand on the things that they do not understand, he uses effective teaching methods for his students.

                At the end of the movie one of his students go to him and told him that “I didn’t learn anything” that made me wonder and I ask myself what if in the future and will be teaching and this words are also thrown to me by my student what would I do? Maybe the first thing that will come up in my mind is that I am not a good teacher because my student didn’t learn anything, but I will also ask my student why?  And I will use the reason of my student to improve myself and my teaching methods.  


Post Script –Some Random Thoughts on Demonstration


                Demonstrating is one of the most important things in imparting knowledge to learners because through demonstration things are easily being registered to the mind of the learners and learning is effective because they experience it.

                The most important thing to remember on demonstrating is not to hurry your demonstration specially when your demonstration is very long and there are a lot of important things to discuss, because the tendency for that is your learners will learn a lot but a little it means that they actually have heard many things but they actually learn a little, it is better to be moderate in demonstrating so that learners or audience learn a lot and your demonstration will be productive.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The art of Questioning

A good teaching involves good questioning, especially when large groups of students are being taught. There are types of questions according to thinking process from low-level to high-level, according to type of answers required and according to the degree of person exploration or valuing.
Descriptive categories of questions the first category cognitive memory question requires learners to reproduce facts, the second convergent questions require learners to generate their own data. The last is the evaluation question requires learners to make value judgment about quality, correctness or adequacy of information. Characteristic of good question are simple, clear, definite and should be adaptive to the age, abilities and interest to the learners.

Learning module

       A good instructional module should be self-contained that it is easily be understand by learners, it should be self-pacing that would fit to every learners degree. Its topic should be short enough and well-defined, it should be adequate motivating and it should contain all necessary components of the module and all the components of the module should be highly supportive of one another.
The seminar
                The seminar group is a deliberative body looking for the solution to the problem from evidence based on reading, experiences and minds of its participants. There are steps is preparing for discussion in a seminar depends on how complex the seminar problem is, how much of an expert the leader and how skillful the leader is guiding through the seminar.

Classroom management

       Classroom management is an integral part of teaching. Classroom management includes operation and control activities involving details as seating management, attendance, utilization of instructional materials and discipline require foresight and planning. There are various approaches developed that are applicable to classroom management the assertive approach this approach expects the teachers to specify rules of behavior and consequences for disobeying them

The seminar

      The seminar group is a deliberative body looking for the solution to the problem from evidence based on reading, experiences and minds of its participants. There are steps is preparing for discussion in a seminar depends on how complex the seminar problem is, how much of an expert the leader and how skillful the leader is guiding through the seminar.

Different types of lesson

                There are several types of lesson that could be used in teaching, the development lesson, supervised study lesson, review lesson, drill lesson, appreciation lesson and application lesson as I learned developmental  lesson is a type of learning in which  the newly acquired  knowledge or learning  is presented and then it is develop this type of lesson has 2 classification the formal and informal .the formal utilizes the deductive  and inductive method of teaching while the informal uses the common method which is the question and answer or conservation . The supervised  study lesson – this is the lesson that learners  are being taught how to study  their selves but still under the guidance of supervision of the teacher .This  type of lesson is mostly used in group study or group activities and discussion  and  in the laboratory works .The review lesson is the type of lesson in which teachers are making a review of the past lesson ,or recalling the knowledge of a certain topic or subject  matter that is being discussed . The drill lesson this is the type lesson of the lesson that is performing everything that learners had, this is applicable of the demonstration of dances, songs and skills that is being learned by the learners. Appreciation lesson this is letting the students appreciate a certain lesson by teaching them how to perform a certain activity on their own. The application lesson is a type of learning instruction that gives the learners the opportunity to create, express and apply what they have learned.